Sometimes we need to check some condition in SQL SELECT query. Today I am going to show you the way of this by en example.
Let we have a table as follow:
Let we have to show a table where credit and debit will be summed and there will be two more row named CREDITFINAL and DEBITFINAL.
Let we have a table as follow:
Let we have to show a table where credit and debit will be summed and there will be two more row named CREDITFINAL and DEBITFINAL.
- sum of Credit for Head X is CX
- sum of Debit for Head X is DX
- CREDITFINAL will contain the data if CX>DX with value CX-DX
- DEBITFINAL will contain the data if DX>=CX with value DX-CX
To show data such way we need to check condition in SQL SELECT statement. Now I am going to perform this task step by step so that you will understand easily.
First Let show only the column HeadID, HeadName, Credit & Debit. For this our query will be as follow:-
FROM [sql_condition]
Output will be as follow:
FROM [sql_condition]
Output will be as follow:
Now Let we will show the data by summing the CREDIT and DEBIT of same type, means same HeadID and HeadName.
Output will be as follow:-
Here sum of CREDIT for any Head will be show in column name CREDITSUM, because I use AS.
Now I am going to perform my main task.
- CREDITFINAL will contain the data if CX>DX with value CX-DX
- DEBITFINAL will contain the data if DX>=CX with value DX-CX
Here I am going to USE CAST, you can find more help, Click Here.
Syntax for CAST:
CAST ( expression AS data_type [ ( length ) ] )
For perform condition here I am going to use CASE, which syntax is given bellow
CASE expression WHEN expression1 THEN result_expression1 WHEN when_expression2 THEN result_expression2
[ ELSE else_result_expression ]
Searched CASE expression: CASE WHEN Boolean_expression THEN result_expression [ ...n ] [ ELSE else_result_expression ] END
And My query is as follow for the final task.
And the output is as follow
Any kind of advice is appreciated.
Thanks Razib..
Excellent post..
You are Welcome Kevin.
And Thanks for your comment.
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